Today we had to create a poster about an animal because we were
learning how to write facts in our own words. I chose this small fish because
I've never heard of it before and It sounds interesting. I enjoyed learning
about this fish.
Today we had to record ourselves saying our pepeha with
confidence and a clear voice. I enjoyed recording it and
found it easy. What I found hard was my pronunciation but I will get
better with practice.
Tofua is my mountain
Vaitafu is my river
Ngatokimatawhaorua is my canoe
Tumanako is my meeting house
Ngati hine is my sub tribe
Nga puhi is my tribe
Today we did a Ko Ahau poem. This is mine. We had to do metaphors that
relate to you. Here are mine. I enjoyed writing these metaphors. Why did we do this?.
We were learning about literal and figurative language. Literal is boring and figurative
is metaphors or more interesting. We learned about this because we are sending postcards
to a different school and we want make our writing more interesting.
Today we had to create a business card and what it would be about. Why did I chose
hair stylist because I love plating peoples hair. I enjoyed creating it.